John John Wins Parko Takes ratings lead in Rio May 17, 2012 – Tags:

A week of Punchy beach breaks in Brazil for the Billabong Rio Pro, in which time we have a maiden win for John John florence also a ratings lead change in Joel Parkinson. Josh Kerr also moved up the ratings to third place after another third place finish after taking out home crowd favourite Adriano desouza in the quarters, but couldn’;t overcome eventual winner John John in the semis!
I personally hope that this is Parko’s year even though it is early still with alot of comps to come i honestly feel that Parko & Taj also, would be the best surfers never to win world titles should the time never arise. I reckon that Julian Wilson is ready for a win on the big stage too, all of his superstar buddies are chalking up wins, i beleive that Julian is the most talented out of the lot not too say he is slouching though another 5th place for him means he is still with in striking distance & no doubt eyeing off his maiden win after coming so close in France last year! An exciting year ahead on tour no matter what happens.