Modern Collective Countdown! October 23, 2009 – Tags:

The countdown is almost over for the most anticipated new age surf flick of the decade! The movie modern collective has been talked up all over the globe and after seeing the 20 minute sneak peek it has every right. Starring Dusty Payne, Jordy Smith, Dane Reynolds, Dion Agius, Yadin Nichol and Tradewindsurf team rider Mitch coleborn. These guys are shaping the future of the sport! Full of crazy new moves, some don’t even have a name yet! Jordy’s busting backhand supermans and flips that are just out of hand! Reynolds with the most powerful hacks, i dont know how he doesnt blow his knee out every time. It really is going to be the Surf flick of the year so make sure you check it out! First Premier is in Hollywood on the 2nd. check out for more info! yeww