South Aus and New Caledonia perfection! By Dean Brady July 6, 2008 – Tags: ,

The last few weeks i’ve been flat out. I went to Streaky Bay South Oz with my mates Paul and Murrey Antonieff. They’ve got a friend who lives there and we went and spent a week with him. He’s on to all the waves up and down the coast and has a four wheel drive and a ski so we could pretty much get anywhere. Some of the waves are so fun but it’s that sharky you’d want a ski running the whole time you were out. I’ve never been so freaked out by sharks before. We surfed one bombie about a kilometre out and the waves were big and perfect. But the whole time I was thinking fuckkkk what’s underneath me. Schmukka who we were staying with was a local shark fishermen and the biggest shark he’s caught was a 1960KG Great White. That was playing on my mind knowing sharks that big were around…so after a week of getting good waves without being eatin I thought it was time to leave.
After that I went and stayed with my girlfriend in Melbourne for two nights and then flew to New Caladonia with Dino Adrian and Brent Dorrington for a channel 9 T.V show called Surfari. We were only meant to spend four days there but we all liked the place so much we extended. Asher Pacey and Andrew Shields then came over and we spent and extra week surfing up and down the coast with them. It’s one of the best places i’ve been. We’d surf all day and drink all night. Everyone was on the same level and we had the best trip. Luckily I got home just in time to see Queensland Beat N.S.W in the State of Origin! Come on.