The art of Flight Trailer March 18, 2011 – Posted in: Uncategorized

I Just watched this clip and it literally blew my mind, the beauty and intensity of the clips captured in this movie are breathtaking.
These guys are pushing the boundaries further and further. Check it out

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Adam Melling Ripping at home October 5, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Since Mellings 2nd at Jeffereys Bay, the white haired kid from Lennox head has been one of the most talked about surfers on the planet, He super loose and fast style has been compared to Mick Fanning, and to top things off he’s a good all round Aussie bloke!

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Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition… LISTEN!!! February 25, 2010 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Well this is another lazy blog post, because my rattled little brain couldn’t really think of anything to post about this morning. so i decided to post a song that im really getting into at the moment. Temper Trap came to Australia for the big day out and absolutely blew the festival apart.

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