The Lost Legacy! January 18, 2010 – Tags:

Another happy TWS customer, and another happy …lost lover, the …Lost Rocket [pictured here] has been going mad, and with good reason to a remake of the video that took the surfing world by storm all those years ago 5’5 x 19 1/4 redux!
Being a part of the push bringing …Lost to Australia has been nothing short of exciting, the boards are doing cartwheels out the door, and factory stock leaves before it gets a chance to have a rest on the rack.
How bout this picture epitomising what …Lost is all about, I ought to send it to the states and see if they want to use it as part of there next marketing campaign! This guy has been frothing about these boards long before TWS got them, but he could never get one, well thats all changed and i think they are going to be more common than tatts on a rockstar in the not to distant future!
Think this guy looks like a tatted up guitar playing rocker, with a taste for fun looking boards that make hungover surfing fun? Your spot on! Think this guy looks like a drop out who does nothing but play guitar and surf funky boards when he aint jamming? Wrong, this guy is a married school teacher vegetarian with a love of sport and caps for his state in touch football!
It comes down to the fact that it don’t matter who you are or what you look like, the lost rocket is gonna have crew frothing, far and wide soon and it’s for good reason, I took mine out today and forgot i was an average surfer for once, whilst looking at this picture i also forgot that we weren’t in the states, thanks for the shot Matty it’s a pearler!